Saturday 26 December 2009

Jonny Greenwood

Hello, and Welcome to Indie Town. Population: You.

This is Jonny Greenwood. For those poor uniformed souls who are lacking a bit of indie music in their lives (I'm looking at you Gnus), Jonny plays (primarily) guitar in Radiohead and is kinda sorta a prodigy. In fact, Wikipedia informs me that he plays guitar, keyboard, viola, xylophone, glockenspiel, ondes martenot (????? halp plz), banjo, harmonica and drums fluently. FLUENTLY.
And yes, I hear you yelling at me in your screechy music geek voices that this does not a composer make. BUT WAIT!!!! THERE IS MORE!!!
Yep, I keep you guessing. Anyway, he is also the composer in residence of the BBC Concert Orchestra, as well as composing the entire soundtrack for "There Will Be Blood".
Incidentally, he fulfills a certain role in Radiohead that Thom Yorke does not: Pretty. Jonny Greenwood is very pretty.
And for all of Thom's amazing super pro ace skillz, I would still probably not tap that, to be honest.




  1. Ondes Martenot is like a French theremin with a keyboard and slidy thing that is awesome and yay
