Friday 16 April 2010

Lili Kraus

My girl Lili had a pretty eventful life. She studied under Bartok and Kodaly (it's too late for accents), toured the world, even got to Australia in the 30s GOOD LORD - then got interned and held by the Japanese while she was touring Java. FOR LIKE THREE YEARS.

And then she got out, and got New Zealand citizenship, which also counted as British citizenship then, apparently, and started it all up again! And then she moved to America and continued to be brilliant.

And still, wiki give her like three paragraphs. Typical.

Also, I've just realised she isn't a composer. WHATEVER MAN IT'S LATE.

She's got a lot of babe potential. Her hair is too limp for my liking in this photo, but there's a lot there. She has a nice slouchy thing going too. Alexander wouldn't be happy, but she has grunge.

Also? If anyone ever writes a book about me, I would like it also be subtitled "Personality Extraordinaire".

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