Monday 8 February 2010

Joby Talbot

I'm here to prove a point.

See Figure 1, below.

This is Joby Talbot, who wrote some music for "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", which I'm supposed to watching right now, but I'm a bit cider-y and distracted and I'd really rather watch "Footlose" which I bought for $8 tonight, but that's beside the point.

So, this guy, I mean, he's not really epic babe material, but he's not so bad. The facial hair's ok, he's got a fairly decent cleft chin (points), I enjoy what he's doing with his receding hairline, the staring off into middle distance thing is vaguely interesting and mysterious etc.


This picture gives further evidence to my theory that everyone is more attractive with a piano (further investigation into the attractiveness-giving potential of other instruments, including sousaphone and hurdy-gurdy, are in the bagpipe-line). I mean, he's no Schubert, but he's definitely that bit babe-ier for appearing with a (somewhat scratched) piano. Let's all just ignore the ring on his left ring finger, shall we?